All of our products go from log-to-product on West Farms property. Our products are 100% natural and biodegradable, which allows composting or the application of manure to pasture fields.
West Farms currently delivers our products by the truck-load quantity.
To best suit your needs, we can also create a custom blend of our products.
Micro-Pine Bedding
Nothing in today’s market compares to West Farms Micro-Pine bedding. This bedding has multiple components, that when combined, creates a superior product. The mix consists of 100% Southern Yellow Pine that is sized from a granular sawdust to a mini microchip. Over time, the smallest material will make its way to the bottom of the animal pen, soaking up moisture. The larger material will stay at the top, providing cleaner, drier bedding, and a softer step for your animals. Maintaining a clean barrier between your animal and liquid waste helps protect respiratory systems, improves hoof and foot health and provides clean ground to reduce feed contamination. Micro-Pine bedding can be applied at your desired depth. This product is easy to pick due to its reduced size, helps eliminate odors in barns, and has a proven history of improving overall health and vitals for your animals.
Pine sawdust (left) compared to West Farms Micro-Chip bedding (right).
Pine Shavings
West Farms pine shavings product can be easily distinguished from other products, not only by appearance, but the quality and consistency as well. Unlike purchasing your shavings or sawdust from a sawmill, every time you purchase West Farms pine shavings, you will receive the exact same consistency from any bag or truck-load. Changing our shaving machine blades weekly is a tedious-task, but we find it necessary to produce the high-quality shavings we promise. Our shavings are thinner and smaller in size than most, reducing waste and increasing the economical value. The thinner shavings are more absorbent, reducing barn odor and improving animal health. Our 100% Southern Yellow Pine shavings have a signature curl that creates an springy cushion, providing a softer step, making your animals feel right at home.
Close-up of West Farms pine shavings.
Our pine shavings (left) compared to a competitor's
product (right), showing the difference in size and quality.